Sunday, November 30, 2014


.... a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process.

Well I've been out of the blogging world for a little while now. Reading back through some of my old posts, I don't even believe it was me writing all those things. 

I've recently been inspired, thanks to alot of people. Going through my instagram, facebook and other means of sharing life events via the Internet, I noticed something. People are doing things and I love that we have the Internet to share all of them! Whether it is having babies (which is blowing up my news feed right now), getting promotions, working out and making money with it, writing books, starting businesses, traveling, producing music and/or short films, speaking at conferences, graduating with a masters degree, adopting pets and/or babies, buying houses, making amazing cakes, creating hilarious YouTube Videos, winning instagram awards, getting married.... and the list goes on. When I scroll through one news feed to the next - I can almost be overwhelmed at how much people are doing and growing and changing! 

Sometimes after a long scrolling, I am like... "Well, I worked really hard at my job this week and I will enjoy a glass of wine after I do the laundry and then will meal plan for the week. Oh, I also completed the bi weekly budget for my husband and I, while we try to break free from school loans..." 

....Isn't that enough? 

Now, this could be (and most likely is) my insecurities, that I would like to think most people develop when looking through social media. It could also be my inability to make what I do on a day to day bases look as cool as everyone else. What is that filter on instagram that everyone uses and automatically looks cool.... VOSCAM, VOSICAN?? 

The bottom line is, insecurities or inability to look cool - I'm sure I'm not alone. 

So, this blog is a place where myself and others can be Audacious. We can share opinions on TV shows, critique the easiness of a recipe, review a movie that sucked or made us cry for hours, come up with some great wine club topics and whatever else....  Whether you just bought a house, published a novel, are traveling, became a mom or are working full time... all are welcomed to share their opinions here. ... I can't wait to hear them!

My blog will consist of what I think of TV shows, food, restaurants, wine, crafts, people, movies, current events and I guess, other life things. I'm sure I'll fill you in on me every now and then. 

Latest Update: It's almost 8:00, I'm finishing my glass of wine, watching an episode of Gilmore Girls and going to bed. If I feel real adventurous, I'll bust out the chips and salsa. :) 

So, I'm back. 

I've forgotten how much I enjoy writing. 

I'll be back with my first review this week. 

- Hales

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The End, Conclusion, Wrapping Up, Finale.

Today is kind of a big deal in my little life. Today is my last day being employed at Liberty University. I know it's really not that big of a deal... but being the over-dramatic person I am, it is a big deal. I am happy to say I have found a job and I am more than confident I will love it! I cannot wait to join Virginia Eye Clinic and HIS Ministry. I will help manage most of the marketing and public relations for VEC and I will be conducting public relations, event coordinating and networking with HIS Ministry. In all honesty, I have no idea what all that practicality looks like- but I can say, I am thrilled to be joining the team and so thankful the Lord has provided me with a wonderful job!
I start on Monday.

I am not walking. But my roomie let me borrow her stuff! :]
Those of you who know me, are most likely thinking- wait, I'm sorry, WHAT? You're staying in Lynchburg? And my answer to your question is, yes, for now! I can say the Lord has truly been working on my heart this year and through many unexpected turn of events- here, in little Lynchburg, I will stay.

I do have a few fears about staying here:

1. Developing a Southern accent. When I go home, to the North, I would greatly appreciate it if you could continue to make fun of me and bring to my attention any type of southern drawl I may have developed. [But please stop making fun of my love of Sweet Tea. It's really good. okay?]

2. My driving skills. While I have lived here my skills have been declining. I am so frightened that I will continue developing bad driving habits and start yielding before I get on the highway and I will never drive with my lights on.

3. I will view the grocery store as a leisure activity. You Northerners know Wal-Mart/Kroger are not the places to catch up with an old friend, talk on your cell phone, or go to just 'hang out.' The people here do not really think of the grocery store the same way we do. I have caught myself a few times lollygagging near the baking section!!

As long as I am aware of these issues and deliberately try to work at them, I think I'll be okay.

So, this is it. This is what the end of college feels like. [Again, humor me, I am dramatic] My friend Ashleigh Brooks and I LOVED the show Gilmore Girls. We watched the last season together around my sophomore year of college. In the last episode, Rory is graduating and Logan purposes [she says no, which I still think is stupid of her] and then she says goodbye to her town and becomes a traveling journalist. My sister was Graduating college around that time and I vividly remember her saying, "Guys, this is sad! This is like my life right now!" [Two Things: I have no idea why I remember her comment. And how the HECK did Ashleigh and I get Blythe to watch Gilmore Girls??!!  She will probably be mad that I confessed that in my blog.] Now I can understand her statement, while this is all very exciting, it is sad.  As I am leaving a really wonderful chapter of my life, I am so ecstatic to begin a new one.

When I packed up my apartment I started the Seasons 8, 9 and 10 of friends... I really, really, really believe that is the best way to end something.

So as I sit here at my desk until 3:00 pm today, I will enjoy my last day and day dream of what is ahead, I’m convinced it is going to be amazing.

A couple nights ago, I found myself stressing out and second guessing all my decisions that have brought me to this point [It was after I watch the last episodes of friends- Rachel second guessed herself! It got me thinking…] I literally stumbled upon this comfort. [I thought I was reading Colossians the whole time…and then I was like, wait, this is isn’t Colossians] but I’m sure glad I found this when I did:

Happy life changes to everyone!! Enjoy them.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Trust, Forgiveness, Hope, Enjoyment.

Hi there and happy Wednesday! This morning has been so beautiful, full of sunshine and 60 degree weather, my favorite! I hope your morning has been just as lovely!

As I was journaling [Yes, I call it a journal because I feel like I am too old to say that I keep a diary] I had a thought and I think it may encourage someone else, so I am going to share. And if it doesn't encourage anyone else, maybe I will come across this post again and I will encourage me!

I know a theme within my blog has been enjoy. Enjoy life. Enjoy every aspect to every day. Enjoy the hard times and the really fun times. Lately, I have found it difficult to enjoy because I have been distracted. Sometimes, for me, it is difficult to understand that the Lord has truly forgiven me for every sin I have ever and will ever commit. After I repent, He forgives and moves forward. As wonderful as this characteristic of God is, I find it hard to recognize and live in a way that He has truly forgiven me.

As my last days at Liberty are rapidly approaching, I can say the biggest lesson I learned in college is, I can trust in my God and He will provide. He will always come through. He will always supply for my every, emotional, spiritual, physical needs. [It's pretty remarkable]

If I know the Lord will provide for my every emotional, spiritual, physical need- why do I doubt His forgiveness? I am not doing anything profitable by hanging on to guilt and living in fear. I am limiting myself and hindering my full enjoyment of life. I need to trust in God’s forgiveness and that means forgiving myself and moving forward. Trusting in His forgiveness is the best way to enjoy life. I need to trust that His model of forgiveness is the best possible way to live each moment.

Anyway, I am not even sure if this will make sense to anyone else, but it’s a thought I needed to find. Be encouraged that you are or can be free from your sins. You can live in the hope of the gospel and this will bring you true joy. Understanding that I deserve nothing and through Christ I have gained everything - that’s what gives me enjoyment, love and forgiveness to share from moment to moment.  - Happy Wednesday! :] 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This is for all my fellow women who are thrilled to be graduating but also a little scared to death.

It's been a long time. My life has been a whirlwind of craziness, but I am happy to report- good, fun, craziness! I went to Florida a couple weeks ago and visited my grandma, who is awesome. The entire trip was sincerely needed- I was so happy to get out of Lynchburg for a while. This weekend Katie is visiting and then next Justin and I are headed to Michigan. After that my old froomie, Nicolette is visiting and then a few short weeks later, my birthday. After that, the semester ends, graduation, wedding in Michigan and hopefully back to Lynchburg for another year with all sorts of new events! So, that's my update.

Here's my post: 

I am 22. A young, entrepreneur minded, spirited, emotional, highly opinionated and incessant planner. I  do not believe I am one of a kind and that's why I am writing this post. This is for all my fellow women who are thrilled to be graduating but also a little scared to death. I came to the conclusion that I am fearful of graduation because after that is when I really start to take responsibility for my own life. Yes, I am a hard worker and I have made some pretty decent decisions in my little 22 years. But all the decisions I am choosing after gradation- are my choices, I will be held responsible for them. I made the biggest decision of my life  after high school, I chose to go to Liberty University. This was a choice that made all decisions for me for the next four years. Now, I have no decision that will hold me captivate for four years.

Today I was reflecting on freshman year. Moving in the dorms along with 60 other girls, just about four years later and we are all on different paths. Some are married, some have children, some are still single. Others have mourned the loss of a loved one. A few are still here at Liberty and others are lost in the world trying to find the next step. Some girls suffered from sickness while others remain spiritually lost. No two stories are the same. No two girls share the same life. This got me thinking, many things can happen in four years.

As a woman I tend to get lost in the details. I over complicate things. I analyze and over analyze again. I read between the lines creating issues that do not even exist. I can be dramatic and blow situations out of proportion. And all these problems seem to double when I am job and house hunting. These qualities seem to ooze out of me as a consequence of the stress when searching for life post-graduation. Remember the whole control freak thing? This does not help during the entire planning post grad process. And sometimes I think I am the only one, does anyone else feel this way? I know they have to, but you all hide it very well!

 I've really been challenged lately, to trust something will be provided. Looking back at my life now, I made the hard decision of moving 13 hours away from home. While I was scared and cried every day for a long time the Lord faithfully provided me. He provided me with so much more than I ever needed and He will provide again. Waiting is difficult because I want him to provide for me how I want and right now. But often He will provide how He wants and in His time. So, that might mean I won't get the highest paying job or  have the most beautiful hardwood floor and spacious kitchen apartment. That might mean I will get not married in my perfect timing or I move closer to my family. It could mean I will be single for 40 years and move even further away from my family! But I can honestly say, the things in my life God took away- I know were for a purpose and even when it hurts or I'm confused or frustrated and think it is not how my life should go- He knows what my life should look like and He will provide. I have been reading through the book of  Daniel and I can see how God provides throughout the book. He took care of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. He took care of Daniel. He (eventually) provided for King Nebuchadanezzer to be rescued. Before the King is restored he said,

"...and I blessed the Most High, and praised and honored him who lives forever, for his dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom endures from generation or generation; all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, "What have you done?" ....for all His works are right and his ways are just and those who walk in pride he is able to humble."

I know he will take care of me. It just may not look like how I envisioned.

In the Bible Study I go to we are reading a book by Nancy Demoss. And in this book she asked questions to inspire self reflection, I have listed a couple that really got me thinking:
  1. Am I purposeful and intentional in my use of time seeking to invest the moments of my days in ways that I will bring glory to God? 
  2. Do I habitually verbalize the goodness and greatness of God? 
  3. Do I speak works that are critical, unkind, untrue, self-centered, rude, profane or unnecessary
  4. Am I content with the material resources God has given me? (This was big one for me)
  5. Am I disciplining my mind to get to know God and his word better?
As I tend to get caught up in everything with planning and stressing, I often forget to remember how much the Lord has provided for me. When something seems to not work out- I go into panic mode. I am really working at training my mind and heart to have a thankful spirit. [I'm pretty sure that will be a life-long training] No matter what happens, I know the Lord is in control. And just because I don't have the 'next step' figured out yet- doesn't mean God doesn't. Again, like every other post, I am working on enjoying. Enjoying the time of the unknown. Enjoying and getting excited to see how the Lord will provide for me next. Enjoying the last months of my life now, because in May- it will all change. 

So, that's where I am right now. I hope wherever you are in life, you are enjoying. I hope you are not too lost in the unknown and not getting to upset about broken plans. You will be taken care of. You will be provided for. Here are some verses that have guided me through this process:

Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord. - Ps. 27:14

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth visible and invisible, where thrones of dominions or rulers and authorities- all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things and in him all things hold together. - Col. 1:16-17