Thursday, April 15, 2010


Tomorrow I leave with my Froomies to go to Pennsylvania to see the CiRCUS!

Before expounding any further I'm sure that reading that sentence few question flew through your mind. No, a Froomie is not a large floor pillow...Froomies, are my roommates and friends- friend + roomies = Froomies.--Pictured left.  And Yes, we did make that up ourselves. No, I have not been to the circus before, and yes, we are all above the age of 7.. and are still really excited.
Now that we put all the questions out of the way- moving on to more important things.

What attire does one wear to the circus? I have some destoryed jeans and a T-Shirt. I think I will fit in with that outfit on. I will for sure have to bring my camera, and take ALOT of pictures. (My mom is mailing me the cord for my camera..So hopefully I will be able to upload them!) I've always wanted to ride an elephant, can one do that at a circus? I keep picturing dumbo and his little mouse friend in my head... is that what the circus is like? Completely unrelated and semi-inaproperat the Elephant man slips in my mind. And that doesn’t make the circus sound pleasant or enjoyable.

Well I hope I haven’t set my standards too high for the circus to let me down. I will let you know how it goes, and all the fun things that take place. I am in desperate need of a break- I Think the circus will be the perfect escape.

I am excited!

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