In the past 2 weeks I have traveled through 7 states... and then re-traveled through 3. Goodness. Call me a gypsy. So, been to Disney, Michigan and back. Take a LOOK!
I was SO excited to see that Sign welcoming us to Disney World! We had Such a GREAT time! I went with my cousin and Best Friend to celebrate our 21st Birthdays together! It was so much fun to celebrate with my Best Friend- and we deff made memories that are going to last us a Lifetime!
My FAVORITE part of Disney was the Castle for sure! I couldn't believe seeing it! I saw it in movie after movie, and the fireworks behind it- then to see it in real life- Was a Dream Come True! The show wishes was amazing! I can't even describe it in details. It was breath taking.
This was the "group". We had so much fun together- seriously. It was Katie, Tyler a good friend from work, and JC who was a childhood friend of Tyler's. We were a good team, even if I do say so myself! :]
After Disney I was Michigan bound! And to add to the fun a little new "addition" in my life is my boyfriend Tyler Turner. :] And i got bangs :]. Katie, Ty and I all headed North together making our way across the country in 24 hours! It was crazy and needless to say by the end we were tiered. Showing Tyler around Michigan was the funnest part of the trip.
Seeing that Ty is a California boy he liked to make fun of Lake Michigan. He would joke around how small it is and how it is nothing compared to the Ocean. Maybe that is why I invited him to come to Mich with me- just to prove him wrong! Anyways, He was SHOCKED at how big the lake really was- and how beautiful our beaches are! He still insists that our sand is imported. I think it is simply because he can't come to grips that Michigan beaches, are just as good if not better then Cali Beaches.
I think my FAVORITE part about these past two weeks was having the two people in the world who know me best in the same place. I could spend all day with Katie and Tyler. Having them both with me, in the same place, at the same time, having fun- was more then I could wish for. I am truly blessed to have people like them in my life! :].I think this was the BEST possible way to kick of my summmmer!
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